All About Us
Blue green cymru

Phil Blackwood
Phil discovered meditation and alternative therapies in his teenage years, after being drawn to a more balanced and holistic approach to life. This led to him gaining a BA/BSc in Healing Arts and Sociology. He finds community work very rewarding and has engaged in many projects over the years.
From a young age Phil’s playground was the natural environment and he now recognises its inherent healing properties too. Woodlands and waterways are his thing and his comfortability in water stems from his RNLI service. Working for over ten years in Cardigan Bay amongst a large team, he adapted his role to offer mental health and well being support.
Phil has an open, energetic and playful nature. His passion is to create spaces and to share tools that promote and enable positive change and wellbeing in others within the natural environment.

Anna Blackwood
Anna has worked in many areas, from care work to Lifeguarding. Working with people of all abilities and ages. Her natural skill is connecting people, making them feel safe and supported, whilst having fun and feeling the enjoyment that comes with being in the outdoors.
She has been involved with healing and family-based camps for over 20 years, and has participated in and run rights of passage work, using skills learnt from European and Traditional Shamanic teachings.
Along with running workshops for children and teenagers in
First aid skills and Mindfulness practices, she has run surf life saving clubs and enjoys using play and imagination as a teaching technique.
She has a practice of Wellness that uses a mixture of running, meditation, women’s circles and sea play.
Her greatest teachers have been her two wonderful children who have taught her endless new games, daily mindfulness, patience and the art of coping with very little sleep!
She loves being outside, learning new ways to be in the world and connecting with people on a deeper level.

Natalie Stevens
Natalie became involved with her first community project at the tender age of 16, when she took part in a youth leadership training course for a community project completing renovations on a local park. From there Natalie went on to become a mentor for the youth offending and prevention service, working closely with young people caught up in the system, encouraging her peers to get involved with diversionary activities such as team sports and other wellbeing
Natalie has spent the last 10 years or more supporting vulnerable adults to secure safe, affordable accommodation and combat addiction.
In her spare time Natalie coordinates tween workshops at a summer camp and facilitates workshops such as nature walks, den building, dance and drumming. In more recent times, Natalie has been pursuing her passion for woodwork, pyrography, upcycling and DIY.
Natalie loves being out in nature and has recently developed an interest in foraging, herbal medicine and growing organic veg, with an aspiration to co-build a permaculture food forest community garden one day in the near future.
Join Natalie on her journey connecting people and nature, where community learning and growing is at the heart and forefront of creating a more sustainable future with healthy minds and a healthy planet

Tasha Ellis
Tasha has worked for some amazing companies including Ray Ceredigion, all centred around child lead play and activities. Her roles have included running and planning sessions, adapting groups to fit the need of those involved and engaging children to learn through play.
She has sat in circle for over 20 years, being part of a Pre-teen, teen and women’s group and has experienced the first hand benefits of a close connect spanning over 2 decades. The joy and strength she has revived from this has been a driving force in creating a world where these connections become the norm.
She has level 3 child care, beach school qualification, children’s yoga qualification, as well as being a fully qualified yoga instructor and holistic therapist, she has worked with children for over 10 years.
She has a beautiful daughter whom she enjoys spending time outdoors with, along with camping and being submersed in nature. She has a daily yoga practise and enjoys constantly educating herself in spiritual and natural remedies and healing.
She has been running girls groups, carrying on the amazing work that was gifted to her as a child, by creating the next generation of “star and moon maidens.”